After a number of years on Blogger I have decided to host this blog on my own domain using WordPress.
Stay tuned, some new posts are on the way!
After a number of years on Blogger I have decided to host this blog on my own domain using WordPress.
Stay tuned, some new posts are on the way!
This blog has finally passed the 1,000 hit mark!
This would be a momentous occasion except for the small fact that I think I am responsible for >90% of these hits…
Just flew back on an Alliance Airlines Fokker 100 (although the flight number started with QF). Generally fly on the Boeings though.
On the last flight to Karratha I realised that I had flown in a few different Qantas/QantasLink planes. A quick check of the Qantas website jogged my memory so here is the list:
- Boeing 737-400 (generally the plane I seem to catch)
- British Aerospace 146 (great fun landing on the short Karratha runway!)
- Boeing 717-200
The plane I flew to Karratha on recently had to circle for 15 minutes or so waiting for fog over the airport to clear. When the pilot first tried landing the fog was so thick we had to pull out. If we couldn’t land on the second try we were going to fly to Port Hedland for re-fueling…
I spent a few hours yesterday afternoon chasing a reasonably large flock of Zebra Finches (about 100 birds in total) around the dunes and rocks near the Dampier beach. Every time I disturbed the flock (they appeared to be feeding) they moved a few hundred metres away and stopped again to feed. There seemed to always be one or two birds that performed “sentry” duties, perching on a nearby branch watching for danger (me in this case). If I could avoid being seen by the “sentry” finch I could generally get close enough to have a chance of taking photographs.
Has anyone else observed this behaviour?
Have a read of if you are wondering about the title of the blog.
Saw the McNaught comet last night – quite spectacular despite the clouds that were around.